
The deliverebles reflect only the author's view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use. The content is under the responsability an author.

FileSizeLast update
Deliverable D1.2_StatisticsAssessment_Final_V4.0.pdf 1913873 b 15.10.2018
Deliverable D1.5_Certification framework_Final_2.0.pdf 665195 b 15.10.2018
Deliverable D4.4_Quality classes and potential applications 3780624 b 15.10.2018
RE4_D1.1_Data Collection on CDW_Final_1.0.pdf 7613016 b 01.03.2017
RE4_D1.3_Overview on the current status of construction of p 2891969 b 15.10.2018
RE4_D1.4_Overview on the current status on policy measures a 17554886 b 15.10.2018
RE4_D10.1_EPQ_RequirementN1_Public Summary.pdf 479830 b 18.09.2018
RE4_D10.2_NEC-Requirement No. 2_Public Summary.pdf 409770 b 18.09.2018
RE4_D2.1_CDW specifications and material requirements for pr 2842964 b 01.03.2017
RE4_D2.2_Deconstruction strategies and building structure re 224856 b 30.10.2018
RE4_D2.3_ Innovative strategies and processes for separating 687525 b 15.10.2018
RE4_D2.4 REuse and REcycling of CDW materials and structures 527484 b 18.09.2018
RE4_D3.3_Structural modelling_final.pdf 1698984 b 19.08.2019
RE4_D3.4_Hygrothermal_Modelling_Final_V2.0.pdf 4236911 b 19.08.2019
RE4_D3.5 Fire Modelling_Final_V2.0.pdf 5281797 b 19.08.2019
RE4_D3_1_Design_concept_for_renovation_Public_Summary.pdf 3828311 b 21.01.2020
RE4_D4.1_Composition of materials from CDW_Final_V2.0.pdf 8497032 b 01.03.2017
RE4_D4.2_Geometrical, physical and chemical characterisation 7980706 b 27.02.2018
RE4_D4.3_Effect of the variability of CDW batches_FINAL_V2.0 2927995 b 15.10.2018
RE4_D4.5_Development of alkali activated binder from ceramic 542125 b 18.09.2018
RE4_D5.1_Material development_FINAL_V2.0_Public Summary.pdf 1007842 b 21.01.2020
RE4_D5_2_Prefabricated components development_Public Summary 715143 b 21.01.2020
RE4_D5_4_Prefabricated_elements_timber_Public_Summary.pdf 469829 b 21.01.2020
RE4_D6~1.PDF 539767 b 15.10.2019
RE4_D7.1_Scaled-up processes_v5.pdf 2356925 b 19.08.2019
RE4_D7.2_Framework for LCALCCAS-LCA _Final_V2.pdf 2012102 b 15.10.2019
RE4_D8.1_WebsiteCreation_FENIX_V0.3_FINAL_Sub.pdf 2442265 b 30.11.2016
RE4_D8.2_C&DPlan_Final_V2.0.pdf 4658843 b 01.03.2017
RE4_D8.3_Promo Material Design_Final_V2.0.pdf 1548622 b 01.03.2017
RE4_D8.4_Data Management Plan_Final_V2.0.pdf 1893738 b 01.03.2017
RE4_D8.7_Initial Exploitation Plan _Public Summary.pdf 428005 b 18.09.2018
RE4_D8.8_IPR manual_Public Summary.pdf 281365 b 04.12.2018
RE4_D8_5_UseOfEconomicInstruments_Final_V4_0.pdf 1227494 b 25.01.2018
RE4_D8_6_MarketAssessment_Final_V2_0.pdf 2932734 b 25.01.2018
RE4_D9.1_Strategic Action Plan_Public Summary.pdf 609225 b 18.09.2018
RE4_D9.2_Monitoring and Evaluation Plan_Public Summary.pdf 549815 b 18.09.2018
RE4_D9.3_First Short Interim Management Report_Public Summar 433638 b 18.09.2018
RE4_D9.4_Second Short Interim Management Report_Public Summa 447515 b 18.09.2018
RE4_D9.5_Third Short Interim Management Report_Final_V0.1_Pu 427360 b 15.10.2019


25.09.2020 | DGNB Sustainability Challenge winners!

The awards just keep coming! 

The RE4 project won the DGNG Sustainability Challenge 2020 in the “Research” Category!

Good feedback from the awarding authority that was impressed by the complexity of the project, the outstanding results obtained, and the proof of concept, that is quite difficult to see in projects focused on circular economy.

It is amazing to see what an important role RE4 is playing in improving the circular economy in construction. Thank you to all the partners for reaching this goal.

Read more and enjoy!

09.09.2020 | RE4 DNGB Sustainability challenge

The RE4 project has been selected by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen - DGNB e. V. (German Sustainable Building Council) as one of three finalists in this year’s Sustainability Challenge.

The official voting is now online and we would appreciate if you could give us a vote. The voting page is in German, you can make the selection on the right side of the page and click "Jetzt Abstimmen".


The winner will be announced at the conference ‘Day of Sustainability’ on the 21st of September in Stuttgart. We will be presenting our project at the conference and are looking forward to seeing some of you there. Due to the current circumstances, there are only few tickets for the event but you can also register to take part digitally.

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