
FileSizeLast update
RE4 Best practice booklet.pdf 5347607 b 07.02.2020
RE4-Folder-A4-EN-WEB (2).pdf 1717036 b 10.03.2017
RE4_brochure_August19.pdf 4229960 b 04.11.2019
RE4_Leaflet_June 2018_web.pdf 7051174 b 13.05.2019
RE4_technical flyer_v2.pdf 2789794 b 13.02.2020
RE4_technical_flyer_v1.pdf 177431 b 13.02.2020
WSED_CE in construction_flyer.pdf 535835 b 29.04.2020


25.09.2020 | DGNB Sustainability Challenge winners!

The awards just keep coming! 

The RE4 project won the DGNG Sustainability Challenge 2020 in the “Research” Category!

Good feedback from the awarding authority that was impressed by the complexity of the project, the outstanding results obtained, and the proof of concept, that is quite difficult to see in projects focused on circular economy.

It is amazing to see what an important role RE4 is playing in improving the circular economy in construction. Thank you to all the partners for reaching this goal.

Read more and enjoy!

09.09.2020 | RE4 DNGB Sustainability challenge

The RE4 project has been selected by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen - DGNB e. V. (German Sustainable Building Council) as one of three finalists in this year’s Sustainability Challenge.

The official voting is now online and we would appreciate if you could give us a vote. The voting page is in German, you can make the selection on the right side of the page and click "Jetzt Abstimmen".


The winner will be announced at the conference ‘Day of Sustainability’ on the 21st of September in Stuttgart. We will be presenting our project at the conference and are looking forward to seeing some of you there. Due to the current circumstances, there are only few tickets for the event but you can also register to take part digitally.


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